Stage 2 -Setting up the Platform| Advanced Settings

In the last segment, you configured the Basic Settings of the platform. In this segment, we shall move to more advanced settings of the Platform

1. Setting up the Signup Template

Configure the signup template to get information from users/ experts at the time of signing up on the platform. To edit Signup template, go to Users > Signups Template.
Signup templates can be created in various field types, such as text, number, dropdown etc and can be set for experts and customers individually.
Simply click on enable for customer/ expert while creating the field

Setting up the Signup Template -Panther


2. Adding listing fields and filter

Just like Signup template, admin can choose to add fields for information required by expert , while creating a listing. To add fields and filters, go to listings> fields and filters
They can be created in the form of texts, numbers, dropdown, description and checkbox.
Once a field is created , admin also has the option to assign the field to specific listing categories and not all categories.

Adding listing fields and filter - Panther


3. Setting up Listing Type

Setting up the listing type is a very crucial part of configuring the platform. Listing types determine how the order process works in the platform. The default order type on signup would be consultation with pre determined configurations. You can choose to edit the configurations by simply clicking on the edit option.

Configurations include:

a. Changing the name for listing type

b. Renaming the Checkout button label, which will be visible for chat option on customer end

Setting up Listing Type - Panther

c. Allow experts to add a price to their Listings
If you want experts to associate a price with their appointments, you can check this box to enable experts to add price to their listing/service.
Unchecking the box will not allow experts to add a price to their service.

d. Allow experts to accept online payments in Instant consultation and Appointments
Only once you enable Allow experts to add a price to their Listingsyou will be able to enable this option. Once this option is enabled, experts will be able to receive payments online.

e. Allow scheduled appointments on the Listings
Enabling this option, will give the option to experts to have scheduled appointments for their services.
Disabling this option, expert will only be able to give his services through instant chat option and scheduled appointments will not be visible for him.

Allow scheduled appointments on the Listings - Panther


4. Setting up the Welcome Email 

Set up the default welcome email for users and experts to be sent at the time of signing up on the platform.
To Configure the welcome email go to Email> Welcome Content.

Setting up Static Content

Static Content refers to the default content pages that are visible on the platform namely About, How it works, Privacy policy, Terms of use and are visible in the top bar of the platform for the users. You can edit the static pages by going to Configure> Static Content.

Setting up Social Media logins

Social login is a form of single sign-in using existing information from a social networking service such as Facebook, Linkedin or Google, to sign into a third party website instead of creating a new login account specifically for that website.
Setting up Social Media logins -Panther

Learn how to setup Linkedin Signup :

Learn how to setup Facebook Signup:

Learn how to setup Google signup:

7. Setting up OTP signup flow

Panther enables admins to activate the OTP signup flow on their platform to help users signup through their phone number, rather than the email. The user simply needs to add his phone number, mention the OTP received and will be able to sign in to the platform.

To activate the signup flow go to
Admin dashboard> Advanced settings> SMS preferences > Enable Phone number OTP verification for experts / Allow customers to signup and login with their phone numbers

Once enabled , you will be prompted to enable a SMS gateway to use the above services. Choose from the various SMS gateways integrated- Twilio or Bumbl.
Signup on the desired SMS gateway and purchase a plan according to convenience. Once done, extract the API keys from respective dashboards and add in the settings.


Signup to Bumbl using the hyperlink mentioned

Signup to Bumbl - Panther


8. Setting up the Landing Page for Web and Mobile App

You can configure the Web and App Landing page by going to Design> Landing Page
Setting up the landing page/ home page is very important for the platform.  A home page is generally the primary web page a visitor navigating to a website from a search engine . Thus good home page design is usually a high priority for a website.
Panther gives you 5 standard folds in the landing page, consisting of a hero section and 4 information folds. You can choose to keep the standard folds or create new folds according to your convenience.

The pre-existing sections can be edited or deleted. To preview the edited section, open the landing page simultaneously to observe the changes. You also have the option to change the sequence of the sections by simply clicking on the arrows, besides the section


Setting up the Landing Page for Web and Mobile App

Mobile App landing page can also be configured from this section. If this section is not visible, get in touch with your Project Manager to get it enabled.

Mobile App landing page - Panther

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